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Maple Leaf Rally Club
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Notice of the Maple Leaf Rally Club 2016 AGM (Read 3166 times)
Derek Vincent
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 89

Notice of the Maple Leaf Rally Club 2016 AGM
01/16/17 at 11:51:02
Notice is hereby given that there will be held an Annual General Meeting of the Members to the Maple Leaf Rally Club, this will be convened at the Dub Linn Gate Irish Pub, 50 Interchange Way, in Vaughan, Ontario, on Thursday, 23rd of February at 6:30pm, or shortly thereafter, for the following purpose:

To approve and adopt the following:

1. Consideration of the Financial Statements for 2016

2. Confirmation of the acts of the 2016 Board

3. To transact such further business, or any other business, as may properly come before the meeting, or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

4. To Elect Officers and Directors for 2 Year term starting immediately following the AGM, President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

If you cannot attend in person, you may appoint another member-in-good-standing of 2016 to act for you by proxy.  To be valid, proxies must be deposited with the Club Secretary before 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, 23rd February 2017. This may be done electronically or via mail.

By Order of the Board,
Derek Vincent,

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