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Tall Pines Volunteer Notice Sept 15/16 (Read 5269 times)
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Tall Pines Volunteer Notice Sept 15/16
09/15/16 at 18:24:20

Please be sure to mark the November 25-27 weekend on your calendar. That is the weekend for the 2016 Rally of the Tall Pines. The Tall Pines committee has been hard at work and it’s time to get the volunteers signed up.

As the  Pines keeps growing and adding exciting new features, our needs for volunteers are greater than ever. So please pass this message on to others.

Check out the Pines website at www.tallpinesrally.com for details.

While on the website, if you have not already registered for 2016, please go to the worker section and register. We have tried to keep the process very straightforward for you. So whether you registered as a worker previously or are a first-time registrant, go to the Worker tab on the website, then click on ‘Register’ and follow the cues from there to either update your profile or to create a new profile.  If that doesn’t work, use ‘Worker Registration’. Note – be sure to answer at the top ‘Yes’ to “I am registering as a worker for the Rally of the Tall Pines 2016.”  If you are stuck, email the registration team at worker_registration@tallpinesrally.com  for assistance.  When you have completed your registration or update, click on ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page. We need all of you, including committee, stewards etc. to register, as we work extensively with the database to make plans. Note – our volunteer needs on Thursday are very specific and mostly require experienced help. Contact us directly about Thursday tasks.

As in the past we are assisting volunteers with subsidized accommodations. See ‘Accommodations’ in the Worker section for full details and for online payment. Subsidized accommodations will be provided once again at Elmer’s Hunt Camp, at Limerick Lake Lodge and at Cedar Ridge Camp. If you stay two nights, you pay for the first night and the rally pays for the second. Anyone staying three nights should first check with Ross re subsidy. To assist workers in the Registration process and in finding accommodations at the Pines we have Trish Groom waiting to assist you re accommodations and Greg McGrath re other Registration questions. If you have questions, one of us will be sure to reply. You can contact Trish directly at accommodations@tallpinesrally.com  or Greg at greg.mcgrath@tall[inesrally.com  In addition there are many other volunteer perks including free Tall Pines merchandise and a free post-rally dinner.

With a super compact Route Plan and Schedule, we are able to squeeze two passes of recce for all stages into Friday, so we will need helpers to supervise that all day. Meanwhile we will be doing the usual final route preparation, so we will need just a few helpers on Thursday and lots of helpers on Friday.  In addition Shakedown is scheduled on Friday evening. The rally runs all day Saturday as usual, finishing with the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, at the Bancroft Fish & Game Club.

Rally Headquarters will be at the Dungannon Rec Centre on Hwy. 62 south.  Almost all activities except the Banquet will take place there. Note also that  Technical Inspection of the competitors’ cars will take place at M & M Parts & Service (the big building behind M & M ESSO on Hwy 62 S) on Friday afternoon and evening.  The official VOLUNTEERS’ MEETING will be held at Rally HQ at 9 P.M. on Friday evening.

We also need lots of help on the WORK DAY on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22.  Please advise if you can attend then by e mailing Ross Wood directly at ross@tallpinesrally.com  Anyone who assists on the Work Day will receive a $10 subsidy on the RallyCross on Sunday. Note – competitors are invited to assist on the Work Day.  This not only offers them an opportunity to contribute to the event, but also affords a chance to preview the stages.

Note – we will again be using the RallySport Ontario electronic timing equipment. If you already have experience with the equipment and would like to work with it at the Pines, be sure to indicate specifically what you would like to do on your Registration form.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or Trish or Greg.

Ross Wood, Clerk of the Course  ross@tallpinesrally.com

Trish Groom & Greg McGrath, Assistants for Volunteer Registration & Recruitment

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YaBB Newbies

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Bancroft, Ont
Re: Tall Pines Volunteer Notice Sept 15/16
Reply #1 - 09/30/16 at 21:15:20
See you There This year...
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