MLRC Forum General >> Rally >> Polar Bear Rally Call for Volunteers Message started by rosswood on 01/25/17 at 11:48:53 |
Title: Polar Bear Rally Call for Volunteers Post by rosswood on 01/25/17 at 11:48:53 February is just around the corner and so it’s time to put out the call for helpers for the Polar Bear Winter Rally, which will be an all-night winter event on the night of February 18-19, 2017. The PBWR is run by the Maple Leaf Rally Club and is the third event in the 2017 Ontario Road Rally Championship (ORRC). Start and Finish will be at the Bancroft Fish & Game Club on Hwy. 62 South in Bancroft - #27602 N45 02.632 W 077 49.622. This rally will be a winter endurance event with simple instructions on the great traditional winter rally roads in the Bancroft area. First car will leave the Start at 10 PM and will arrive at the Finish around 6:30 AM. We need 11 control teams to cover the event. Ideally we like to have a HAM operator as part of each team. No experience required. If you are new to this and come on your own, we will pair you up with an experienced marshal. Volunteers would need to be in Bancroft no later than 8:30 PM on Saturday, February 18 and would be treated to breakfast in the morning and will receive a fuel allowance. If you can assist, please respond to Ross Wood at ross at tallpinesrally dot com Ross Wood – Chief Control Marshal |
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